
Teenagehood and it’s Challenges – by Okoro Onome

         Teenage-hood is the state of being in ones teenage years and teenagers are individuals from the age of 13-19 and are mostly found in secondary schools. At teenage-hood, one is at the most difficult stage in life because it is where you become introduced to the outside world and learn new things. Therefore, because the brain is still fresh, one easily absorbs everything that he/she comes across. Teenagers find themselves involved in bad activities such as; drug abuse, joining gangs, and teenage pregnancy.

                      Teenage-hood can be considered as the most difficult stage of life, as we all know life has different stages; infant, childhood, teenage-hood and adulthood. In the stage of teenage-hood, it is considered as the time where young individuals would want to decide to try out new things because of hormones and as such, they would love to be very independent and when teenagers make mistakes most times it tends to affect their lives as adults and as such, parents and guardians need to be very close to their teenage wards at this stage of life and learn to know their love languages for easier communication with them. One of the best books parents should read to enable good communication with their teens is “The 5 love languages of Teenagers” by Gray Chapman.

                         Teenage years can be both the best and worst of times in the academic cycle. When we are still teenagers, we just want to do whatever we like and first thing we lose is interest in studying. Study becomes boring and difficult and as such we try to experiment on new stuff. As teenagers, it is difficult to control your feelings of anything and you may not even want to be told what to do.

                        As teenagers, we need someone to guide us. We need to know how to control ourselves, especially the girls. It is especially tough for teenage girls because their bodies change, they lose control of their feelings and may even ruin their lives if not careful with the schemes of opposite sex.

                      Teenagers go through so much stuff yet they feel like they cannot confide in their parents and this is because most parents fail to understand them and will end up twisting their story, this calls for the need for most parents to be understanding. Teenagers would also face social challenges, this is when they become more conscious about their social life and would want to build it very well and with that they start getting insecure about their appearance and this could lead to low self-esteem.

                        Teenage life is distorted by falling for peer pressure and searching for love in wrong places. There is a lot of pressure to be a great child and get your life in order. Teen life is not just a fun stage, it is also a beautiful stage but one saddled with responsibility of dealing with calls for fast growth. Every young person has to be strong enough to be his/ her own person. 

Name: Okoro Onome
Class: SSS 2
Date: 28th November, 2019.

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